13 Games Like VTM: Bloodlines

VTM: Bloodlines is a paid shooting, action-adventure, and role-playing video game developed by Troika Games. This game takes place in four fictional locations of Hollywood, Chinatown, Santa Monica, and Downtown

13 Games Like Vampyr

Vampyr is a paid role-playing, horror, action-adventure, and decision-making video game developed by Dontnod Entertainment. In this game, the player has to play the role of a vampire and he

10 Games Like The Dragon Age

The Dragon Age is a paid adventure, role-playing, MMO, and single-player video game developed by BioWare. In this game, the player has to play the role of a warrior who

Dragon's Dogma

10 Games Like Dragon's Dogma

Dragon’s Dogma is a paid action-adventure, role-playing, and single-player video game developed by Capcom. This game is set in a massive dark fantasy world in which the player has to

10 Games Like Tree of Savior

Tree of Savior is a free role-playing and massively multiplayer online video game developed by IMC Games. Players can play this game in three cities like Orsha, Fedimian, and Klaipeda.

10 Games Like Legends of Honor

Legends of Honor is a free MMO, role-playing, and strategy video game developed by Goodgame Studios. This game takes place in a medieval era in which the player has to

10 Games Like Vendetta Online

Vendetta Online is a free shooting, space trading, role-playing, combat, and MMO video game developed by Guild Software. The game takes place in a 3D space environment in which the

10 Games Like City of Heroes

Before starting the game, players have to select their favorite characters. The game has a customization feature, which allows players to customize and change the look of characters. It is

10 Games Like Starpoint Gemini 2

Starpoint Gemini 2 is a paid action-adventure, combat, role-playing, and single-player video game developed by Little Green Men Games. This game takes place in a space environment in which the

10 Games Like Heroes Charge

Heroes Charge is free role-playing, turn-based, and MMO video game developed by uCool. This game takes place in a fantasy-themed world in which players have to fight with enemies. Players

10 Games Like Final Fantasy XIV

Final Fantasy XIV is a paid action-adventure, role-playing, and massively multiplayer online video game developed by Square Enix. This game takes place in a fictitious land where players must investigate

10 Games Like Mighty Party

Mighty Party is a free role-playing and strategy video game developed by PANORAMIK GAMES LTD. In this game, players have to fight against other players for getting legendary chests. This

10 Games Like Tribal Wars

Tribal Wars is a free browser-based, role-playing, strategy, and MMO video game developed by InnoGames GmbH. The game sets in an era of the middle ages in which players have

10 Games Like Hero Wars

Hero Wars is a free role-playing video game developed by NEXTERS GLOBAL LTD. This game takes place in a fantasy world in which the player has to fight with enemies.