18 Hyvor Talk Alternatives

Hyvor Talk is the best community platform that helps to engage the audience on your website. It’s a real-time commenting system where your audience gives valuable feedback, asks questions, and

17 Cactus Comments Alternatives

Cactus Comments is a federated comment system based on matrix protocol. It helps to embed files on your webpage. It’s an open standard for centralized communication that helps to engage

17 Giscus Alternatives

Giscus is a comments widget built on GitHub discussions and a free, open-source commenting system. It helps to detect negative comments and fix them quickly. It supports custom themes and

15 Kontxt Alternatives

Kontxt is a Google index application that uses advanced character recognition techniques, binary hashing, and machine leading, which helps to analyze media assets. It helps to prevent spam fraud in

15 Giscus Alternatives

Giscus is a comments widget built on GitHub discussions and a free, open-source commenting system. Bloggers, magazines, and startups prefer to use Giscus as it provides a secure environment. Giscus

15 GraphComment Alternatives

GraphComment is a web social comment system that helps to build an active audience for your website. It recovers your community from social networking and reclaims your followers’ attention. GraphComment

15 Utterances Alternatives

Utterances is a lightweight comment widget that gives access to building more audience engagement. It’s an open-source platform with no tracking and no ads, just a fast–blazing comment system that