12 Terminal Alternatives

The terminal is a feature-rich, powerful, and adaptable terminal program for command-line users. This tool also works with shells like command prompt, WSL, and PowerShell. Windows Terminal is a command-line


11 Alacritty Alternatives

Alacritty is a free GPU-based terminal emulator that runs on BSD, macOS, Linux, and Windows. The program is solely focused on efficiency and simplicity, with the GPU used for rendering


11 Cmder Alternatives

Cmder is a console emulator that offers a great console experience even on Windows. The programme is a Windows portable console emulator. It is a collection of several forms of


11 iTerm2 Alternatives

iTerm2 is a macOS-oriented programme that works with operating systems to do various activities such as full-screen mode, window transparency, pane splitting, common keyboard shortcuts, alerts, and multiple play or


11 Guake Alternatives

Guake is a Gnome top-down terminal (in the style of Yakuake for KDE, Tilda, or the terminal used in Quake). A number of distributions have already packaged Guake (among them