10 Sawfish Alternatives

Are you looking for the perfect windows manager that can manage windows in an advance way without showing any error or complication? Check out compiled list of Sawfish alternatives that offer improved and advance features for managing windows. These platforms help in providing advance desktop environment, simple integration system, etc.

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What is Sawfish?

Sawfish is formerly called Sawmill is an extendable window manager, which uses a scripting language of Emacs Lisp-like that is known as the Lib-rep. As each of the windows is configurable, the core idea is to get much possible user-interface policy, which is been controlled via the language of Lisp.

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Sawfish also come with a policy through which it aims to manage windows in the most controllable as well as attractive manner. The platform didn’t implement any of the desktop applications docks, backgrounds, or any other functionality, which are achieved via separate apps, as all high-level functions are executed in Lisp for future redefinition.

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There are up to 10 Sawfish Alternatives. It has features like Compositing, Desktop-manager, Virtual-desktop, Window-resizer and Workspace. The best alternative to Sawfish is Dexpot, which is Paid. The other best apps like Sawfish are VirtuaWin, Sysinternals Desktops, and WindowsPager.




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10 Best Sawfish Alternatives


