14 Referencer Alternatives

Referencer is a GNOME program that organizes documents or references and creates a BibTeX bibliography file as a result. It’s geared for scientists and researchers, so “document” could be interpreted as paper in general, however, Referencer can handle any type of document that BibTeX can.

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When you upload a PDF file to a Referencer library, it will be immediately scanned for key identifiers like a DOI code or an arXiv identifier. If either of these is detected, Referencer will try to retrieve the document’s metadata from the internet. For PDF publications with an arXiv ID or DOI code, Referencer will automatically retrieve metadata from arXiv, PubMed, and CrossRef.

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There are up to 14 Referencer Alternatives. It has features like Firefox Extension, Google Chrome Extension, Google docs integration, Online Tools and Tools. The best alternative to Referencer is EndNote, which is Paid. The other best apps like Referencer are MyBib, Citationsy, and BibSonomy.

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Referencer Information

14 Alternatives Listed
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14 Best Referencer Alternatives



BibDesk is a Mac OS X database manager that serves as an excellent reference management system for creating bibliographies. It acts as a BibTeX front-end system and integrates with LaTeX, making it easy to manage, import, and export documents.
