How To Write SEO Optimized Content For Your Website?

SEO texts are classic optimized texts, often found on online stores’ pages. For example, they describe catalog sections and contain the primary key queries for promotion. Often, such content is partially hidden from users because the material is not for sale.

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Let’s conditionally divide the texts into those that help to promote transactional queries and those that focus on informational queries – this includes blog articles with seeding in social networks and paid distribution. Let us dwell only on the transactional ones since most of the problems, myths, and outdated techniques are around them.

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The rules for SEO content writing (don’t over-spam, don’t obfuscate, etc.) are already laid out in many books and articles, so instead of theory, let’s move on to practical examples that clearly show mistakes and flaws.

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What are Bad SEO Tactics?

1. Highlighting keywords in the Text on the page

It is wise to highlight search terms only in the text document to track the use of all the keys. Promotion is not affected, so it is not necessary.

2. Over-spam / over-spamming of keywords

Text with over-spam is challenging to read, and search engines perceive it negatively. Especially diligent authors face Google sanctions. The optimal number of queries – is no more than one per paragraph, not more than three (with morphology) for the entire Text. To prevent it, we recommend using special services. For example, you can find a content writer who can write you perfect Text without any SEO writing mistakes.

3. Text “for the machines.”

We call such texts where keywords are inserted as copied from Words that. In the usual brochure or speech, you won’t find the phrase “buy a faucet in London.”


  • Key queries can be broken down into one or two words.
  • There is no need to be afraid of indirect occurrences of queries. (“buy a faucet in London” = “faucets in London,” etc.). Search engines understand morphology well even if the words are “witchy” (standing some distance between words).

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What are Good SEO Tactics?

1. Small number of keywords

Too many queries in one Text will immediately show the reader and the searcher that you wrote the Text with one single purpose – to fit all the keys on the page. But Google is not so stupid; he will not rank high on an overpopulated site. For the Text, it is best to choose three or four main requests and up to five additional for which you plan to move.

2. Use headings h1 and h2.

Breaking the Text with headings will make it easy for the search engine and your customers.

The title h1 is located at the beginning of the Text, and headings h2 level – are subheadings; there may be more than one in the Text.

3. Linking in the Text

Linking is a system of internal links from some site pages to others. They help the user find answers to their questions faster. In addition, it allows you to influence your results through behavioral factors. The more active time a user spends on a site, the better the site is, according to Google.

Checklist for creating SEO Text

We use this checklist for writing and reviewing SEO texts. Standardized requirements save time evaluating the incoming material and sending feedback to the specialist.

General requirements

  1. The uniqueness of 85%;
  2. The volume according to the TOR (from 1500 characters without spaces);
  3. The use of keywords:
  • One key no more than two times in the Text;
  • Not more than one query in one paragraph.


  1. Introduction (1 paragraph);
  2. Answer to the question, description of the first point (2 paragraphs);
  3. Description of the second point, solution of the problem (2 paragraphs);
  4. Conclusion, contacts, terms of service/delivery (1 paragraph).

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Structure and design

  • Headings h1, h2:
  • The main essential query in the header h1;
  • If possible, an additional request in h2.
  • Relinking with other sections/articles;
  • Use of lists;
  • Breaking down thoughts into paragraphs of 3-7 lines.


  • Checking Text;
  • Proofreading aloud for consistency and ease of perception.

Note: For content, the checklist varies depending on the purpose of the Text.