Perfect World

10 Games Like Perfect World

Perfect World has 3D World, Massively Multiple Online, Role-playing, and Fantasy-based elements by Beijing Perfect World for Windows. It is an MMORPG with traditional Chinese settings. The player assumes various


10 Games Like Runescape

Runescape is a brilliant game that focuses on those players who love playing Massively Multiplayer Online, Role-playing, and Fantasy-based games. The World of Gielinor, a medieval fantasy realm split into

Drakensang Online

10 Games Like Drakensang Online

Drakensang Online is a Massively Multiplayer Online, Role-playing, Fantasy-based, and Freemium video game by Bigpoint Berlin and Bigpoint. The player requires creating the virtual characters by selecting to play as

Guild Wars 2

10 Games Like Guild Wars 2

Guild Wars 2 is the best “alternative to Wizard101” and brings the popular genres for kids and adults such as Massively Multiplayer Online, Role-playing, and Fantasy. The game revolves around


10 Games Like Pirate101

Pirate101 is a playable game for those searching for Wizard101, and it is also called the Sister game of Wizard101. The game brings MMORPG, Fantasy, Social Interaction, and Quest Completion

Clash of Kings

19 Games Like Clash of Kings

While Clash of Kings is an amazing game with many impressive features, not everyone considers it perfect. Many players from around the world are looking for other games which have

Shadow Kings

19 Games Like Shadow Kings

Many players are exploring exciting and fresh alternative games to Shadow Kings on become bored to play the same game repeatedly. A wide range of games with boss fights, facing

Boom Beach

19 Games Like Boom Beach

This game has engaging gameplay and strategic depth to keep the players engaged for a long time. Some players still wish to move on to any other game with the


19 Games Like Pocket Fort

Those who are fans of Pocket Fort game and want to play other strategic games for a change then we have got you. We have explored and discovered some thrilling

Total Conquest

19 Games Like Total Conquest

Playing the same game every time will sometimes become boring so players are often searching for other games. Those who are searching for other games will love to have them