11 AssetFolio Alternatives

The platform offers only limited functionalities to retrieve the price of the cryptocurrencies, and assets, and analyze stocks. You can track the profit, loss, and dividends but the output is

11 Sharesight Alternatives

The platform enables you to get deep insights into your portfolio, import trades, track stocks, and integrate with leading software. Most of the users reviewed the high pricing which is

11 AlphaTrackr Alternatives

Using this tool, you can get comprehensive reports of industries, their portfolios, and risk assessment strategies. Beyond all of these features, people noticed that software often crashes which makes the

11 Ghostfolio Alternatives

Ghostfolio did not provide you customer support which is a major concern of users as they can’t contact with the developers to get solutions to their issues. Many users complained

11 Capitally Alternatives

The platform provides reports, tax impacts on return rates, account balances, and support for multiple currencies. The main problem users complained about is the high pricing which they can’t afford

11 Portfolio Performance Alternatives

The platform provides many amazing features like the history of your transactions purchases, sales, fees, and taxes. However, it doesn’t provide a comprehensive view of the performance and shows simple

11 JStock Alternatives

The platform is very easy to use with a clean interface but lacks some most important functions such as a daily chart, period selection option, and zoom-in and out options.

11 Google Finance Alternatives

The platform’s news is fake most of the time because it takes all information from Google blog searches and Google news. So, people can’t rely on this information because links

16 Qobuz Alternatives

Qobuz doesn’t provide podcasts, Atmos tracks, specific music videos, or audiobooks, for audiophiles. You can’t find your purchases on the mobile app, you can use a desktop app, web player,

9 RetroPod Alternatives

The app is not responsive to use and recompiles the library every time you open the app. It takes too much time to select artists and then show their albums

11 n7player Alternatives

Most of the paid users complained about the bad conduct from the developers is that when their subscription ends, they lose all their music playlists, and artwork, and cannot able

17 Trebel Alternatives

The platform doesn’t provide a large collection of music as some users want more versions of the songs. The apps shut down automatically while playing songs on repeat. The app

9 Pulsar Alternatives

There are no controls for fast-forwarding and reversing the music as the current controls for doing such operations are inconvenient. When you search for a song, it automatically generates a

16 iHeartRadio Alternatives

It doesn’t have a web version and provides limited listening options for free users. It doesn’t provide a rewind option for rewinding live videos which is a drawback for users.

16 Musify Alternatives

The main thing here is that you can download music in batches. The platform also has restricted features for free users and you have to pay to get access to

8 FireAlpaca Alternatives

The platform’s interface is too simple and users have to go with it because the tools work great. The platform shows too many ads which irritates users and disturbs them

15 Artweaver Alternatives

The look and feel of the tool are too basic and don’t attract users to explore other tools. This tool only supports limited fonts like TrueType and doesn’t support openType

10 Snoop Money Alternatives

The app will not give you basic features like a snap of your savings in a month and a history of the previous months. The lack a feature to compare

10 Spending Tracker Alternatives

Additionally, it can provide a synopsis of all your spending but has a lack of customization in viewing histories. The platform has enough tools but does not offer accuracy and